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Friday, May 01, 2009 |
papervet: Nutritional effects on vaccination
Abstract journal: Immune-induced cachetic response is an example of a biological opportunity to develop technologies that ensure imporved performance in animal agriculture. We have estimated that reduced performance of immune stimulated animals, whether by exposure to conventional environments or through vaccination, results in more than U.S. $500 million in reduced productivity. Nontraditional methods to alleviate the adverse effects of the immune response provide an opportunity for those skilled in the art of vaccinology and immunology to develop new technologies and feeding practices. Too often, biologists are blinded by the limits of their disciplines and rarely venture to the fringe of their field to engage in collaborations that at first glance do not seem logical. The examples of CLA and antigastrointestinal peptides suggest that new opportunities await in ensuring that the cost of the immune response is minimized and that new approaches to animal agriculture await discovery.
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ali maftuh,DVM @ 8:49 AM